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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Stress Full!...

Arini aku jadi sgt stress dgn kerja... taktau la kenapa... myb bcoz of my staff... or the customer?.... tah la... mungkin kedua-duanya skali... first of all, just to comment about my staff.... dah bagi kerja tu, sila la buat sampai abis... jgn la sekerat jln then pass pada aku... mau tak tension aku... aku yg bg task tu kat kau, then kau buat tak abis....nak suh aku take action plak.... ape cerita ni???.... bukan bising pasal ape... you should know what to do rite?!... and i'm sure you know.... if not buat ape naikkan grade n gaji????..... grrrr... tension nyerrr..... nasib ade officemate lain yg faham and support aku... kalau tak,taktau la ape nak jd... my bos pula cuti today.... so takde tmpt nak refer.... segan nak refer to my AGM... sabar je la... but i do take initiative to contact people n asked them in that case what should i do... before that, let me tell you guys what's the problem....

al-kisahnye begini.... ada satu pelanggan ni complain pasal bil dia... coz he had subscribe this one package where the T&C is.... after 2 years contact of this package, the price of the product will be back to normal price which is higher that the package price... so, kalau dah nama T&C tu, kau paham2 la... mane ble suka2 hati aku nak tukar... so this customer pon complain asked for adjustment and also insist to have the same package price even thought he know that the contact term had been ended... grrrr.... kau ni tak paham bahasa ke ape???.... atau kau tak reti membaca??? dasar Ci** kampung la.... tp dok bandar utama... kedeku nak mati.... aaaaaaaaaarrrrgggghhhh... stress betul aku.... then he insist that refer to this one article in newspaper regarding to this similar case, there are one customer who complain about this T&C things on my company... cerita dia lebih kurang sama... lepas 2 tahun contact period habis, customer still nak harga yg sama... so dah masuk pape tu, company aku dgn baik hati pon bagi la adjustment to this cust. So yg customer dlm case aku tu pon nak mcm tu... bodoh betul... kalau 1 juta customer nak mcm tu, abis la bonus aku next year... hahaha... so aku pon cari la pihak2 tertentu utk dptkan nasihat... luckily i found someone in HQ who can advise me on this case... so now, case tu tak settle lagi... tu yg buat aku pening + stress...

back to my story just now, yang aku stress sgt tu...my staff yg calls cust. tu bukan nak explain pasal T&C... refer to her email to me, mcm dia plak back up cust. tu... tension betul aku... patut dia side company yg dia keje... benggong betul... hope case ini akan settle secepat mungkin.... then this weekend, i have to work for the event!... malas nyerrr.... boring plak kerja mcm ni if staff tak ble nak handle ape task yg kau bagi...

ok la, rasa sampai sini je kot aku comment... malas nak cerita byk2 pasal org... nanti kita plak jd mcm tu... so after this, just think positive...


signing off........................ ;)

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